Golf's Rules Are Changing In 2018....Do You Know How?

Wait…Did I break a rule?

Golf’s rules are getting a makeover. The major governing bodies (USGA and R&A) focused lots of attention on simplifying the rulebook over the past few years, removing quirky penalties and promoting faster play. While rules are only enforced to the letter during competitive play, it’s good to know a base set of guidelines when playing. Following basic rules is a good test, and can be fun when playing against your friends. That said…rules are meant to be broken, right?!

The debate around rules is interesting, so here’s a quiz on the new rules to test your knowledge. Pull these out during your next round and test your group.

  1. When on the putting green, a player holes a putt with the flagstick in the hole. Should they be penalized for using the flag to stop the ball in the hole? Y/N
  2. When standing over a putt, the wind starts to howl. You place your putter behind the ball and as you’re beginning your stroke, the ball moves. Are you penalized? Y/N
  3. Your playing partner hits a ball into high grass. Once your group gets to the area, how long do you have to find the ball before declaring the ball lost and taking a penalty? A. 3 minutes B. 5 Minutes
  4. At what height do you have to drop a golf ball when taking relief? A. 3 feet B. Shoulder height C. Any height
  5. You’re watching golf on TV and see a player move his ball, breaking a rule. You decide to call in to the broadcast and inform the officials. Is the player penalized? Y/N


  1. You are no longer penalized for putting with the flagstick in. There’s no need to walk up to the hole to take out the flag if you are 40 feet away. This should save a few seconds (if you’re a rules stickler), and gives you a good aim point!
  2. No, you are no longer penalized unless 95% sure you caused the ball to move. Many of the new rules focus on intent of the player. If you didn’t cause the ball to move and it rolled closer to the hole, you’re in luck! Play from the new spot.
  3. 3 minutes. Players used to have 5 minutes to locate their ball, but this caused major delays. The best thing to do is hit what’s known as a “provisional” ball from the previous spot before you search, do a quick look for your favorite colored ball in the trees, and keep moving if you can’t find it.
  4. You can now drop at any height! The old rules required a shoulder height drop, but what if you’re 7’ tall! That’s not fair.
  5. Looks like you just missed out on your chance at TV time! Viewer calls used to factor into professional tournaments, but they caused a lot of controversy and affected the outcomes of big tournaments. Pros need to follow the rules, and they try their best, but sometimes moving a ball ¼ inch on accident isn’t worth your time. Enjoy the coverage and put your TV Official uniform on the hook.